Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Young Love

It's interesting to realize how shocking it is to be so young yet feel so old. This happened to me today while I was on a double-date with my immaculate little brother. We went to the dollar theater to watch the oh so predictable thriller, the Roommate. Because the theater was nearly empty due to the fact that it was Monday, and I wanted nothing more than to have a whole row to be alone with my girlfriend, Deborah, the kids sat a couple seats ahead of us. After countless minutes of watching an obsessed mental lesbian throwing cats into a drying machine, i observed that my brothers head was tilted. An immediate lighting bold of shock struck me. It could only mean one thing.

they were cuddling.

The turds! I mean, i know my brother has had "girlfriends" in the past. But what does that even mean? Those were elementary school sweetheart, and well, this is a high school sweetheart. There's a difference. I just know there is... Besides, he's never really been the ladies' man. Of course he's had an admirer here and there, but it's always been my job to have the messed up relationships. Now he's old enough to date(at least by my standards). And that's probably what left me blown away. The small stubborn child that used to torture panicking fire ants by unmercifully dipping them in water and freezing them overnight right next to the blue otter pops was no longer there. Instead, I saw a growing young man. He's going through high school and life. I'm witnessing him dealing with the same situations i did when i was his age whether it's school work, friends, sports teams, or dating. It's like watching a movie all over again. The only difference is that it's his movie this time.

Now all i gotta do is get myself some buttered popcorn, sit back, and enjoy as i watch this slap stick comedy of an awkwardly nice jock that meets an awkwardly nice girl...

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